Evangelical Free Church Planting

The EFCA Rocky Mountain District (RMD) spreads from lower South Dakota through all of Wyoming and Colorado. The opportunities for new church starts are growing in all areas from rural communities, towns, university towns, cities, and suburbs. Our passion is multiplying disciples through multiplying healthy churches and leaders. We love to partner with like-minded planters to support their gifts and vision as we trust God to produce kingdom fruit. The RMD welcomes and has seen God produce fruit through a variety of models from parachute planters to daughter churches. No matter what the model, we believe strongly that no planter should plant alone. Our systems are designed to build key relationships that will help planters and their families thrive.

One unique opportunity that the RMD offers is our Church Planting Residency program. This is for leaders who sense a calling to church plant and are looking to partner with a specific church(es) for the purpose of planting while gaining valuable experience and training.

Here are a few highlights of our residencies:

  • Planters have opportunities to lead, speak, and teach.
  • Planters and their spouse get to work with a coach.
  • A strong network of prayer support is fostered.
  • Often we attend a national conference as well as several district conferences.
  • Planters participate in the monthly Healthy Church Network meetings with pastors from their region.

Our Systems

With us, you'll find a family where you belong and the training and support you need to plant a transformational church.

Planter Assessment

Our assessments help you to discern and affirm your gifts, calling and church planting plan.

Planter Training

Our trainings equip you with the 12 essential competencies of a successful planter.

Planter Coaching

Our coaches support you throughout the early years of your planting journey.

Planter Care

We ensure you and your family are connected to a loving community of care.

Church Development

We are committed to helping all our churches partner in the multiplying of disciples, leaders and churches.

Helpful Church Planting Resources from EFCA.

Newly Established RMD Church Plants

Current RMD Church Plants

Current Hispanic Plants: El Perigrino and Camino Al Cielo.
Featured Video

For more information on the church planting efforts of the EFCA and helpful resources for church planters, visit ReachNetwork.