Connect with Other Pastors
We offer monthly pastor gatherings throughout the district that meet for about an hour and a half. We gather in geographical areas throughout the district to share life together, discuss relevant topics in our ministries, and pray for and with one another. Contact us for more information.
Pray Together
We offer two opportunities on Wednesday mornings for pastors to pray with and for one another. You can join other pastors from 8:00 to 8:25 am or from 8:30 to 8:55 am. Contact us for more information.
District Pastor & Wives Getaway
Every year we offer an opportunity for pastors and their wives to get away with other pastors and their wives within the district to share life together. We gather at various locations to worship together, pray together, and focus on our marriages as ministry couples. Contact us for more information.
Sabbatical Resources
Understand how you can use this prolonged rest effectively. We recommend these resources:

  • Lilly Fund provides some financial resources for sabbaticals. You will need to make sure you apply at least a year ahead of time of your sabbatical.

  • Pastor Serve provides some coaching and spiritual direction for you sabbatical experience.

  • Fair Haven Ministries provides for a sabbatical experience, room and board, and counseling.

  • TIU/TEDS provides two weeks free on their campus (room and board) to participate in certain classes.

  • Sunscape Ministries provides for a pastor ans pastor wives to have a marriage retreat experience.

  • Quiet Waters Ministries provides a sabbatical experience for pastors and for pastor and pastor wives to receive counseling and spiritual direction.

Vacation and Retreat Options for Pastors and their Families
Need an affordable vacation or enriching retreat? We encourage you to utilize these opportunities:

Pulpit Supply & Interim Ministry
Several men are available for pulpit supply or interim ministries opportunities. Contact us for their contact information.
Helpful Ministry Connections
Strategic Renewal Acts 6:4 Fellowship - resources and encouragement for prayer leadership

Got Questions - answers to questions about the Bible and spirituality

Pastor Serve - resources to encourage pastors and churches so that they are healthy and equipped to live out their mission